Thursday, 13 April 2017

Surobhito Antiseptic Cream Boroline

Bengalis grow up and live with the tags of being a sweet lover, a fish lover, a Rabindrasangeet lover, but an inseparable part of our existence is the green tube of Boroline sitting comfortably in every household. A Bengali household is literally incomplete without Boroline in ample quantity. It is strange how something as mundane as an antiseptic cream can become such a significant part of Bengali lifestyle. Perhaps, this is how we love to live, by seeking comfort in simple things.

No matter what skin problem you are facing, the advice from your mother would be, " ektu Boroline lagiye deye kome jabe." We being obedient sons and daughters of our mothers have always taken it as the biggest medicinal advice and no wonder we are eternally in love with this wonder cream. Remember the times when you came back home from school or afternoon games and complained of falling down and hurting yourself? The next scene would be your mother taking out a green tube of Boroline and applying the antiseptic dearly over your bruises with the assurance that they would vanish overnight. Every time she burnt her hand while cooking you saw her applying Boroline over it, saying, "Boroline dile kome jabe." The times when your father accidentally cut his cheek while shaving, it was always Boroline who came to rescue. Then came those happy times when essentials would be packed in suitcases and holdalls for a long summer vacation, and the tube of Boroline would be the most important thing to go in. Since then we have started believing in the magic of Boroline and that it could cure everything overnight. As we have grown up, it is a place of trust that we have lovingly bestowed upon this beloved antiseptic of ours while it has unfailingly cured our rashes, sores and infections.

Who knew back in 1929 that the newly launched antiseptic cream Boroline containing Boric acid, Zinc Oxide and Lanolin would live to be the constant companion of generations of Bengalis over the years? Gourmohan Dutta, a Bengali merchant was behind the launch of this brand which was destined to be warmly embraced and given a permanent place in the house. People, till date, swear by Boroline throughout the year, and especially in the winter season. Truly so, this works wonders over chapped lips, cracked heels, rough and dry skin, scars, sunburns and what not. Since 1929, the superb efficacy of Boroline has made it a family member in Bengali households. From infancy to old age, it is the ultimate form of skin care regime followed by all Bengali males and females.

It has become a legacy and a habit that we keep passing on to the next generations. Even today, Bengali mothers and grandmothers advise children to apply Boroline all over their skin before going to bed because it is a ritual they have been following since their childhood every night. The ad jingle that has kept on playing for years during commercial breaks has also earned the place of a fond memory in our psyche, so much so that whenever you hear the tune, you find yourself unknowingly smiling and humming, "surobhito antiseptic cream Boroline". The age old tune along with the mild fragrance act as a nostalgic bell reminding us of comfort zones like home and childhood.

Perhaps, it is just a mental bruise that it is incapable to cure. For everything else, the answer is always Boroline.